Disturbance is the first phase of creation. In the beginning God created Earth through a series of random events. All of this activity occurred silently in a vacuum and so to show us that although space is random and a dangerous place in the large scheme, our perfect Earth came from chaos. Creative projects start as random ideas and mental images of what can be done. Just like our Earth came from chaos and spent millions of years in chaos so are creative projects in their first phase. If you have heard of the word brainstorm, you can image what types of genius ideas can come from chaos. Without this phase, creations will lack the elements they will need later in their development.
“Disturbance brings about the chaos necessary to place the needed materials into space.”
Those first stages of Earth’s development gave humans the ground we have built our civilization on. Creative projects are difficult to start, but once they begin they need to go through this phase in order to focus the rest of the creative process. By removing distracting and irrelevant ideas we can start to see our main idea coming into fruition, and we can start to envision the final phase. The calm before the storm is necessary for the materials that were deposited into the space in the first phase, to settle into their natural positions in preparation for further phases.
Many of us forget to remove the unnecessary distractions that will prevent us from solidifying our foundations and graduating to our next phase.
Take two humans and place them in a windowless room with only one door. The first human sits at the top of the social-economic chain while the other human drags behind at the bottom. With the door sealed, suck all of the air out of the room. Who dies first? Neither human will win the battle of death as they both will die and neither of them will come back to life. This is the definition of equality. Together we are one race and no human is truly superior to another because we all experience life and we all experience death.
There is only one superior being and that is God. We all need the same fundamentals to sustain our life. Water is the first fundamental element needed by all living things for without it no life can exist.
"More than just a direction"
Light is the next phase of life. Light is necessary for growth for without it life cannot reach its highest level of being. Light, unlike water is an element that does not take physical form. Naturally all creatures have their way of being and they have undeniable ways they must survive. When living creatures are without light they lose their direction. The closer you are to your light, the closer we get to our natural state of being.
Although Creative Projects can be fun and exhilarating, without a solid direction they will never grow towards completion. By this phase of creation specific goals should be determined and all actions should be geared towards meeting those goals.
If you find your life or your project is getting off course, remember why you are doing what you are doing. Refresh your memory so your efforts are not lost on misdirection and wasted time.